Prerequisites for the Workshop

Hi and welcome back!

We recommend you to Dual boot your system with 2 partitions of Windows and Ubuntu.
Ubuntu is a mandatory OS to perform the experiments as part of the workshop whereas one could do without Windows (left to your discretion).

Follow this YouTube video if you are new to dual booting and need some instructions to do so.

The video is taken from YouTube after careful consideration as few other tutorials available online may not always work as expected.

After installing Ubuntu on your system, install the following:

1) Mininet

Open a terminal (Ctrl + Alt + T) and type the following command(s):
> sudo apt-get install mininet
> sudo mn
If the above commands work without giving any error, it means that Mininet has been installed successfully. Quit the Mininet console by typing 'exit' or 'quit'
> sudo mn -c
Perform the above to clear your buffers.

2) Git

> sudo apt-get install git
> sudo apt-get install python-pip
> pip install git
(The second may not work for all)

3) Ryu Controller

Run the following commands for a successful installation of Ryu controller:

> git clone git://
> cd ryu
> sudo apt-get install python-dev python-pip python-setuptools 
> sudo pip install .
> sudo pip install webob eventlet paramiko routes

4) Putty

> sudo apt-get install putty

5) Curl

> sudo apt-get install curl

6) Wireshark

If Wireshark is not already a default software on your Ubuntu OS, download Wireshark as well.
Hoe to check if it already exists?
> sudo wireshark
If a window opens with Wireshark, you know that Wireshark already exists. If not type the following command:
> sudo apt-get install wireshark

1) sudo apt-get install XXX can also be given as sudo apt install XXX
2) only one installation is possible at a time, do not open multiple terminals to install all software at once

We hope to see you all in the workshop with the above pre-requisites installed on your laptops.

Happy Networking!


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