Day 2 Session 1: Introduction to Zodiac FX switch

Hello All,

The Zodiac FX switch something like this:

Image result for zodiac fx switch

The first three ports from the left can be used to connect to any host or any other Zodiac FX switch while the fourth port must be connected only to the controller. Here, the controller refers to the system where you are running any Ryu controller code (or any other controller like ODL, Pox or so on). We need the putty software to set up this piece of hardware before we could use it. TO set it up, we can follow the following command once we have opened a Serial Input SSH terminal from Putty.

To know more about Zodiac FX switch, how to install and update its firmware and know its various components, refer to this link:

The following commands are to be typed in a Putty session connected to the Zodiac FX switch-

show config

set name ZodiacFX1set ip-address
set netmask (this is equivalent to /24 )
set of-controller

Once we have set up the Zodiac FX switch, we need to communicate with it through the controller either through OpenFlow packets or also through RESTful API calls. One such RESful API call is:

curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/stats/switches

Other commands can be viewed in the below link:


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